Tigloo incorpora un nuevo servicio de ciberseguridad dirigido a las empresas
Tigloo, empresa especializada en soluciones de seguridad y tecnología, se incorpora al Polo con la homologación de un
Promoting cybersecurity for social and economic growth.
"Navarra Cybersecurity Center (NCC) is the centre of reference for cybersecurity in Navarre.
Its main objectives is to promote the development of cybersecurity initiatives that augment cyber-resilience in all sectors of the Autonomous Community of Navarre (citizens, business fabric - with special emphasis on SMEs and the self-employed) and become established as a one stop store to respond to digital security incidents for citizens and companies.
The initiatives will be geared towards boosting the cybsercurity sector in terms of the range of services offered in the region, and in the demand for and use of such services. The strategic aim of the service is to contribute towards the socio-economic transformation of Navarre in a digital, hyper-connected environment.
The centre was born as an initiative of the Regional Government of Navarre and was established as part of the CIBERREG collaborative project, coordinated by the region with the participation of 9 other autonomous communities.
The CIBERREG programme receives funding from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which forms part of the RETECH programme (Territorial Technology Specialisation Networks)."
Creation of the Navarra Cybersecurity Center.
"The NAVARRA CIBERSECURITY CENTER was established as one stop shop to respond to cybersecurity incidents.
Its other strategic objective is to raise awareness amongst local citizens and connect them to the cybersecurity services offered by INCIBE.
Promote the business ecosystem in the cybersecurity sector
"The aim is to provide a sequenced and structured range of cybersecurity products and services to the business sector to make them more competitive in response to cyberattacks.
Grants will therefore be defined and set in motion to facilitate the consumption of security products and services from the catalogue
Subsequent phases shall include a specific portal that wil function as a one stop shop for cybersecurity projects, cases and/or incidents in Navarre"
Demonstration centres
The demonstration laboratory of secure work places for SMEs and the self-employed is defined as an extension of the initial diagnosis, and will enable this professional sector to discover, see and try out directly applied security systems and tools in their work place (when using office technology, navigating in the Internet, email, backup copies, etc.,).
The industrial cybersecurity laboratory will enable participants to discover and not only see but also ""touch"" cybersecurity devices designed for industrial contexts, manufacturing chains, etc. They will have the chance to discover SCADA systems, PLC robots, electromedical devices, etc.
Talent management
These training cycles in cybersecurity shall be offered by public institutions (Navarre Employment Service), and by private bodies (Navarre Industry Association and the Club de Marketing de Navarra). Financial assistance shall be offered to provide incentives to participate in the cycles.
The Public University of Navarre will also collaborate in promoting and boosting participation through financial grants in three new master's degrees:
Awareness raising
Promote awareness-raising campaigns to empower SMEs, self-employed workers, citizens, especially the most vulnerable collectives such as minors and the elderly.
The following awareness-raising campaigns shall be developed and implemented: